Community Response Client List

Some of the clients who have played a part in our Community Response initiative are listed below. We are excited to have recently become involved with the Prince's Trust.

  • Sony UK
  • Prudential
  • Save & Prosper Group (now part of JP Morgan)
  • The London Fire Brigade
  • The Prince's Trust

What one of our clients had to say…

"Response Development Training (RDT) developed and ran a 2.5 day event ….. in which Sony graduates undertook a real conservation project …… The objectives were to provide an engaging launch to the programme and to provide an arena for examining team working and leadership behaviours. ……..
Having a real project to complete, for a real client (and therefore the real prospect of letting someone down if the job didn't get done) created a learning environment that I have yet to see matched by any of the more standard approaches to management and team working 'exercises'.
The RDT staff on site led an extremely professional ….. programme well. It was a genuine pleasure to have been able to launch such an important programme with such an effective and high impact event." Sony UK

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